Your way to achieve victory on Temple of Anubis in Overwatch!

The Temple of Anubis is a Overwatch map which may prove to be especially tricky for the attacking group, if they don't make good progress on the hard first goal. A tough choke-point exists shortly following the spawn point, supplying the defending group using a huge early-game advantage - supposing they have set their defenses out properly, naturally.

If the attackers successfully conquer this initial stage, things get just a little bit easier for them, together with lots of an underpass avaialable for your offensive forces to begin swarming through. The defending team is going to need to work hard to track every avenue of strategy here, and make sure that the attackers do not make the type of purposeful progress that may quickly result in the control stage getting helpless, and the game coming to a quick end.

There is a lot to consider on each side of the fence, in different words, and thus our next map manual tackles this catchy catacomb of tunnels and line-of-sight traps. We'll be updating this manual frequently in the months and weeks following Overwatch starts, to be certain that you're aware of all of the clever tricks which are used in today's metagame.

Bring your very best Hanzo / Widowmaker participant and find some ancient kills from the tote. Those attacking should obviously have a single eye on this particular prime sniper place the minute they enter into the map . The floating boat to the right of this spawn point - because you face it is also an wonderful place for picking off the enemy.

The Temple of Anubis supplies a great deal of height variation throughout the map, which is fantastic for characters such as Junkrat who prefer to get in place and shed unholy hell . Do not forget he and Symmetra may also lay cubes and turrets directly on or close to the attacker's spawning exits to frustrate them by the very first minutes of a game. It is going to soften them up well for your group to complete off.
The dual doors only after the very first section can be immensely hard for the attacking team to maneuver , and you need to anticipate snipers, a Torbjörn turret or Bastion himself to guy the small stepped bridge which overlooks this lone entry point.
This area particularly can also be Junkrat's dream ordeal, with lots of doors to throw bombs , and a large old chokepoint to control. Symmetra's turrets again belong at the top corners of those entry doors - consider dispersing them out with a single in every room and one at the pillar separting both entry openings.

It is vital that the assaulting team goes as a group with this map to boost overwatch accounts (if they playing rankeds of course), as your course of progress is indeed heavily restricted. You desire a tank such as Reinhardt or even in your group, as they provide the capacity to shield teammates out of incoming fire. To put it differently, in the event that you divide and attempt to move it solo then you're almost surely going to get ripped to shreds.
When you are attempting to catch the next stage on Temple of Anubis, you need to go as a team and move down the left-hand alley, as this offers you the best quantity of line-of-sight cover protection since you approach the contested purpose. The central route is obviously fatal to journey down, and there's a plenty of sniping spots across the right-hand station.

Require the left-hand path and you will have the ability to begin snaking throughout the below and overpasses of the map, in whatever manner suits the situation that you truly end up in. Whatever team you are on, simply try to prevent broad open spaces constantly on this part of this map.
Torbjörn and Bastion may wish to consider setting up in among those"blind" corners which can not be seen from a group bogged down the left-hand way into another control point. This way, when they appear to really spend the objective, you may tear them to bits using turret fire.


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