
Сообщения за июнь, 2018

Best Duo Queue Picks in League of Legends for the very best Synergy and Win rate!

This Works: Galio's final is a 1.25 second station that provides the ally targeted adequate harm decrease, followed by a dashboard that deals hurt in an AOE round the ally's starting place. Warwick and Nunu both stand still inside their ultimates, meaning that they are able to combine theirs with Galio's for achievement. Warwick's final is a 1.5 second suppress (marginally longer than Galio's station ) significance if timed correctly, it's a guaranteed Galio ult, all whilst Warwick is shrugging off harm from any other resources. Nunu's final is the AOE channeled slow which detonates for enormous damage. It may be channeled for up to 3 minutes, and is consequently more forigving if Galio responds afterwards compared to Warwick, but less rewarding since it isn't as guaranteed as Warwick's ultimate. Still, it may still be potentially deadly and both winners work closely with Galio. Master Yi is notorious because of its 1v5 winner of League of Leg